Friday, January 27, 2006


  1. I'm trying to figure out a way to distribute the comments to the group members, so that you can tell when someone is responding to one of your hysterically funny posts. Up until now, they were all coming to me. Kiwi has graciously volunteered to accept the influx of comments and work on a plan to distribute them to the rest of us. Lotsa luck, Kiwi. We may end up joining a mailing list. Stay tuned. Kiwi, when you work it out, post a comment here.
  2. I'm not sanguine (heh- word I learned from Firefly) about the prospect of having dozens of bios in the sidebar. I think it will look cluttered and no one will read them anyway (and they will become outdated anyway--no one stays 4 forever). I'd prefer to put up links to posts on each of your personal blogs that will have bios of your kids, similar to what I did here. I'm open to more discussion on this point. Leave your ideas or links to your posts in the comments to this post. Then Kiwi will get them and I'll never see them. I think that will work out just fine.


Ezzie said...

I've got a few ideas... maybe I'll email you when I get a chance. Think Show/Hide buttons...

PsychoToddler said...

You mean, in the sidebar? That's not a bad idea. Again, the issue is, how do you indicate the age of a kid. It's a moving target.


Larry age 14


Larry b. 1991

You almost still have to indicate in the post the current age of the kid when the conversation occurred.

Ayelet said...

You know what, we could just forget the whole bio thing and require a number after a name the first time it appears in a post. e.g. Mordechai (6) is gorgeous and brilliant.

Kiwi the Geek said...

You almost still have to indicate in the post the current age of the kid when the conversation occurred.

In the majority of cases, it's recent. So even if you're reading the archives, you just subtract the birthdate from the post date. Is that too much work for the average person?

Ayelet, I assume many people will join us later, and won't know where to find the first post about a child. People often read blog archives backwards. It'd be good to have such a small, important bit of info readily available. Even for the regulars, there'll be a lot of kids to keep track of, and it'd be nice to have the cast handy.

PT, your post about naming is great, but mine would be pretty boring: just names & dates. I suppose I could link to a few other explanatory posts about me & the fam, but I like the show/hide idea. This would also keep the list handy, as I mentioned above.

Ezzie said...

I think Ayelet meant that in each post, the first time a kid's name appears it should have an age - not just the first time a kid is posted about.

I could show you how my show/hide works, but you'd have to figure out how to change it around for this...

It would be "clean" - take out the "contributors" section, and put instead a section that has the kids listed by contributors. It would look the same as the contributors section looks now, but you'd be able to click to 'show' the kids that blogger is talking about.

You may even be able to do something similar with posts, though that could be tricker... perhaps along the lines of the drop-downs I have, but then you need to manually add each post.

Ayelet said...

Thanks Ezzie. I did mean each post. Sorry for the ambiguous language there, Kiwi.

Kiwi the Geek said...

I like the show/hide idea, and would be willing to try and implement it, sometime this week. What do you mean by show/hide for each post?

Thanks for the clarification on stating ages. IMO, that would be kind of a hassle to keep saying it. But I'll go with the majority.

Ezzie said...

What I mean is to either create a way that every post by a blogger is listed under their name, or create a drop-down menu that lists all their posts. I have the latter for the guest bloggers by me - but it has to be manually inserted every time, which would be quite a pain here.

Also, perhaps we should ask Chaim of Life of Rubin to make a header for us? He's really good...