I was talking to my middle child yesterday about the health club I used to belong to.
She asked about what I used to do there, if I used to swim, use a step machine...if they had a windmill.
A WINDMILL? I tried to think about what kind of machine resembled a windmill, what she might be referring to?
Again she asked if they had a windmill there.
Then it hit me: a treadmill.
And so I told her: "It's not called a windmill, it's called a treadmill." She convinced me that she knew that, but her older brother calls it a windmill, and therefore she does too!
My older daughter once asked why some people wear zucchinis at the beach.
Of course, she really meant "eggplants."
I think I'm gonna try a windmill. Other than what it does to your hair, sounds like an intelligent form of exercise.
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