Monday, February 27, 2006

Don't Read "Hiyah", Rather "Chaya"

Every time our twenty month-old son said "Hiyah" for the past few months, my wife and I thought he was saying just hello. My wife just called me a few minutes ago and told me that she discovered that he wasn't saying "Hiyah", but rather "Chaya"; the name of his little girlfriend who still hasn't turned one.


Anonymous said...

so cute! :)

torontopearl said...

Well, being that it's also my Hebrew name, might you train him to say, "Hiya Chaya!"

(Nuuuuuuuuuuuu? When's the chupah?)

A Simple Jew said...

Essie: Thanks!

Pearl: I didn't think you liked receiving wedding invitations

torontopearl said...

ASJ, I didn't understand the correlation/link at first. I was looking for "Chaya" in that post of mine. Man, but your memory works well!

But listen, I intend to be invited to the entire wedding, not just the chupah and reception at 10 p.m.!

Ayelet said...

Oh, dear, Miss N. I hope this mistranslation was caught in time!

Stacey said...

OMG, that is priceless!