Monday, June 05, 2006

War, what is it good for?

This weekend Rivka, 5, misbehaved particularly badly, in a manner that just seemed so out of character for her. I finally asked her why she did it. Through tears, she said, "My heart wanted to do the right thing, but my brain didn't, and they had a war, and my brain won."

(One day I will explain that it's usually the brain that needs to control the impulses of the heart, but for now this was so good I had to let it go.)


Ayelet said...

Wow. What a wonderfully articulate way of describing the inner conflict she had.

socialworker/frustrated mom said...

Pretty good for a 5 yr old.

Ralphie said...

Ah, I'm sure she saw it on Dragontales or something. My kids get all of their emotions from PBS.

torontopearl said...

Ralphie, what happens when those shows go off the air. Are the girls emotionless?